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Nong Pla Lai, จ.ชลบุรี, 20150


Shipping Info

Information about the rules and conditions of delivery


Production & Shipping

Production time of orders depends on the availability of components, the type of goods and can be from one to five weeks. Detailed information can be found in the description of a particular product.

Shipping is caryed out by the most accessible postal service. After sending the goods, we will provide a track number to track the movement of the parcel.

Delivery time depending on the country of destination can take from two to six weeks. If the parcel does not reach the destination within 90 days, we are ready to discuss the possibility of re-sending the goods. Each case is considered on an individual basis.

We do not accept returns of goods and payments. Please be sure that you understand all aspects of the product you order.

To avoid misunderstandings, do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have regarding ordering, production, packaging, shipping and other aspects of interaction.